
I am in misery.
There ain't nobody who can comfort me.
I told you once, I told you twice.
I hate her, please get her out from our lives.
How many times must I make this plea?
What can I do to make you see?

I am a girl with simple needs.
I want someone loyal, someone who made my given advices heeded.
But, you refused, you are stubborn.
You won't give a damn about my condition.

So if I leave, I bet you will play.
You may have another girlfriend someday.
You may not learnt what I told you,
So, all I can do is hope that she teach you.

I am tired,
I am sad.
I am dissapointed,
I am dead.

So, I let you go.
What will you do?

Nothing. I guess.

tO b3 conTinu3d..


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