
1. Zip it.

2. Wear your power lightly.

3. Never be a cheapskate.

4. Take a breath.

5. Stop needing to be right.

6. Don't match a compliment.

7. Be funny, be feisty - Knock it down with humor.

8. Be merciful.

9. Mystery is good.

10. Know your deal breakers.

11. Be imaginative.

12. Be patient.

13. Talk about them instead of you.

14. Get behind other people's ideas.

15. Get straight to the point.

16. Never, ever be late.

17. Don't even think about breaking a confidence.

18. Know when to walk away.

19. Have the guts to say what must be said.

20. Speak up in the meeting, not after it.

21. Replace sympathy with empathy.

22. Say hello properly!

23. Replace listening with hearing.

24. Really get to know human nature.

25. Do your job.

26. Know who's really running the place.

27. Make sure your word is solid.

28. Look good every single day.

29. Do all you can to put people at ease.

30. Arouse in others the desire to be great.

31. Never take someone's dignity away from them.

32. Feel the vibe in the room.

33. Everyone loves hearing his or her own name.

34. Let others do the lion's share of the talking.

35. Use these 4 powerful words: "Do me a favor?"

36. Don't try to mould someone in your image.

37. When it's all falling apart, take back complete control.

38. Fake high energy when you need to.

39. Save a drowning person.

40. True power doesn't rely on PowerPoint.

41. Be ageless.

42. Resist the bandwagon.

43. Don't fight the fight when you've already lost.

44. Watch the body language.

45. With great power comes great responsibility.

46. Know when you have won and never bring it up again.

47. Get some charisma.

48. Backbone.

49. Lose the need to be needy.

50. Just keep moving.

51. Draw the best people to your inner circle.

52. Lose the habit of being a classic avoider.

53. Fortune does indeed favor the brave.

54. Confidence is gold.

55. Impossible? Never.

56. Never argue with a drunk or a fool.

57. Look for the counter-trend.

58. Do some deep background on your audience.

59. Know when to take some time off.

60. Pick the most talented (and often, least experienced) person.

61. Power players always write it down.

62. Say no, respectfully.

63. Play the tape through to the end.

64. Make gangsta moves when you are stuck in the mud.

65. Reinvent yourself before the market does.

66. Call an audible.

67. Give great email.

68. Philanthropy is part of your job.

69. Buy the plane ticket for a 15 minute meeting.

70. Act like a small business even in a big business.

71. Anticipate, interpret, decide.

72. Give feedback on the spot.

73. Give every employee a chance to blossom.

74. Know the difference between isolation and solitude.

75. The conversations you resist are the ones you must have.

76. If it's none of your business, it's none of your business.

77. Get comfortable with constructive anger.

78. Sometimes you need to just stand there and be wrong.

79. Sometimes all you need is the illusion of power.

80. Ditch the democracy.

81. Real power is leaving a little on the table.

82. Always say good morning.

83. Avoid the prophets of doom.

84. Cultivate an air of calm and stability.

85. Be the first to know, first to try, first to buy.

86. Have a little faith.

87. Don't bogart the smarts.

88. Make x3 check the new normal.

89. Don't let the urgent crowd out the important.

90. A spoonful of sugar is just sugar.

91. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

92. Don't use a sledgehammer to break the ice.

93. Always give it the sleepover test.

94. Be a source of joy.

95. Ask for the moon.

96. Make it look effortless.

97. Always forgive your enemies because nothing annoys them more.

98. Absence can be very powerful.

99. Bring in the occasional icon.

100. Fantasy role-play can get you the last 10%.

101. Master the art of timing.

102. If it's free, it;s dangerous.

103. Ignoring troublemakers is the smart play.

104. If someone has a problem with you, raise it directly.

105. Don't let yourself get dragged into petty disagreements.

106. Blend into the crowd when you need to.

107. Pick the road less traveled.

108. Don't be a dick.

109. Think like a client to catch a client.

110. Only roll the dice when you can afford to lose.

111. Have a Plan B.

112. Back the Dark Horse.

113. Eat humble pie.

114. Make like a ghost.

115. Increase your luck quotient.

116. Pull out the big guns but be prepared to use them.

117. A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

118. Take a walk on the wild side.

119. Recruit out-of-the-closet nerds.

120. If it looks wrong, call it.

121. Quash the power you give to rejection.

122. If a flaw worries you, put it out there in plain view.

123. Ask for help and ask early.

124. Buy style.

125. Get out of people's way and shut up!

126. Too much partnership means not enough initiative.

127. Bend it, don't break it.

128. Learn when to stop.

129. Play fair, especially when you have the winning cards.

130. Lose the trash-talk.

131. Bored means you're boring.

132. Watch and read power.

133. Love the old-fashioned.

134. If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh.. otherwise they'll kill you.

135. Imagination is pure gold.

136. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

137. Predictability can be uninspired.

138. Plant the seed, then walk away.

139. Make time for coffee.

140. Visit your history.

141. When you are broken, get patched up properly.

142. Pick your theme song.

143. Always assume they're smarter than you are.

144. Just shut up and go to church.

145. A flame-out can mean only one thing: A comeback.

146. Read To Kill a Mockingbird.. again.

147. Anyone can get to anyone.

148. Positive impact - That's Real Power.

149. Need for nothing.

150. Make peace with uncertainty.

151. The proof of greatness: Endure criticism without resentment.

152. Be worthy of trust.

153. Winners always want the ball.

154. Don't trash the trashy.

155. Mojo makeover.

156. Never forfeit your right to fight.

157. Give no truck to a puny enemy.

158. Guard your reputation with your life.

159. Tomorrow is a new day.

160. Know what you want.

161. Be an elitist.

162. Let it fall apart.

163. Embrace fidelity.

164. Eccentric is not a dirty word.

165. Be a romantic.

166. The glass is half the drink.

167. Trust slowly.

168. Stop when things are getting entirely too serious.

169. Stop talking before you reach for the trapdoor.

170. Be great at description.

171. It takes a great person to be a good listener.

172. Create a vacuum.

173. When you're on a roll, roll!

174. You are not God.

175. Forgive.

176. Tell a great story.

177. Ask a great question.

178. Stand up for someone.

179. You're not the story.

180. Never offend.

181. Do not heckle.

182. Respect yourself.

183. Know what success really costs you.

184. Gratitude: Don't lose it.

185. Give an awesome pep talk.

186. Know there's no normal.

187. Set the tone.

188. Ask for wisdom from the right people.

189. Don't presume what's important to another.

190. Hire talented enemies.

191. The really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

192. When you overthink, stop thinking.

193. To be simple is to be great.

194. Step up or step off.

195. Great hopes make great men.

196. Bad excuses are worse than none.

197. Wisdom is knowing what to overlook.

198. Revenge is the poison we end up swallowing ourselves.

199. Tough times don't last: Tough people do.

200. If a 6 year old doesn't get it..

tO b3 conTinu3d..


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