Emo ღ Sayings from the Heart~

Maybe it is true.. I just can't live without you..

If you love something, set it free;
If it comes back, it is meant to be.

Would you rather die knowing that you love him,
Or would you rather die knowing that he doesn't love you?

The fire and wood.
The glass cup and water.
The fire and moth.
You and me.

Time to say goodbye,
Time to start to cry,
Time to create some lies,
Time to let my heart die..

I love you.
I need you.
I want you.
I obey you.
I heard you.
I let you.
I helped you.

You hate me.
You used me.
You played me.
You ordered me.
You angered me.
You stop me.
You killed me.

I really, really love you.. But, can't you feel that my heart is hurting so much?

tO b3 conTinu3d..


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