Predicting the Future

I wonder what the future has in store for me,
Especially when you are located across the sea.

Would I feel lonely like I do every time you are not here?
Or would I find amusement throughout those 5 years?

Would I be willing to live on with my life?
Or would I be willing to make a sacrifice?

Would I be willing to sustain my own selfish needs?
Or would I be willing to do a major good deed?

Would I feel frustrated although you are dear?
Or would I feel accompanied over a few buckets of beer?

Would I feel lifeless when I can't hear your voice?
Or would I feel alive when I hear a lot of noise?

Would I manage to survive throughout years of rumours?
Or would I be dead by the time this is over?

No matter how long you are gone or how long this may takes,
I am ready to have my heartbreak.

Because I almost lost you again and again,
and this had made me think over again and again.

I love you. That's all I can say.
So, no matter what, I will stay.

If you love another, I will be in your shadows,
Protecting you as you run freely through meadows.

If you are married and have a family,
I guess I have no choice..
But to grow old until I am a granny.

I guess this is my fate,
As I long ago took your bait.

So, as you prepare to bid me goodbye,
I won't go and send you off..
Because I don't want to hold you back when I cry.

tO b3 conTinu3d..


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