The Unerasable Pain

There is a pain constanly growing and living in my heart.
I feel like telling you, but you said you wanted to concentrate in your life.
You left me alone, fending for myself.
You left me in pain, a pain which I could not erased.

I wanted to run away.
To move on.

But, I can't.

I wanted to let you know.
To know what you will say.

But, I fear.

I wanted to let him know.
To be scolded.

But, I am scared.

I can't do anything. Nothing.
I can only walk on this suffering path.

All alone and in pain.


This was what I wanted to tell you..

Every recess..

My heart was cold,
My eyes were tired,
I could not think but of one thing,
I waited and waited to see you passing by,
And to bless the day if I could catch your eyes,
I saw you passing by,
But your eyes I could not catch,
And you do not know what this meant to me....

tO b3 conTinu3d..


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